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Skills & Tools

A somewhat comprehensive list of coding languages, frameworks, platforms, and more that I use to build and code things.

Coding Languages

  • Java : coding language that I am most familiar with. I've used it to create an elevator simulation program and am now building a multi-threaded, web-scraping custom search engine.
  • Python : my first coding language and remains a top choice. I recently made a blockchain from scratch using Python, and I've also taught a course on it to middle schoolers.
  • C : another language that I am quite familiar with. I designed my own socket and basic http server using C, as well as a RISC-V simulator.
  • Javascript/Typescript : I've used Javascript to create a simple web app that uses the Spotify API to analyze the mood of a song, and I've worked with both Javascript and Typescript in multiple web frameworks including React and Vue.js.
  • R & RStudio : I used R for data analysis and visualization in RStudio. I've created a project that analyzes the lyrics of all of the songs from the K-pop group Blackpink and displays the data in multiple ways.
  • HTML/CSS : I've used HTML/CSS to create multiple webpages and have a good understanding of both.
  • SQL : I'm currently learning SQL, and have experience working with MongoDB, but am working to gain a better understanding of SQL and integrate it into a website.
  • Swift : I recently built an app with Swift and Firebase, and I'm learning more about Swift and its ecosystem.


  • Unity : I've used Unity to create a simple game where the player climbs a pyramid collecting coins.
  • React : I've made several webpages with React, including this one!
  • Vue.js : I've worked with Vue.js quite a bit, especially by converting a webpage from Vue.js to React, which required a deep understanding of both frameworks.
  • Flask : I used Flask to create and launch a blockchain from scratch.
  • Tableau : My very first CS related class was Data Science, which I took in Italy, and there I learned how to use Tableau and created visualizations of data.
  • Cloudfare : I've been working on deploying all of my sites through Cloudfare Pages, and am in the process of learning how to use Cloudfare Workers. This page is deployed through Cloudfare Pages!
  • Firebase : I created a React website during my internship in Korea, connecting it to a Firebase backend for database storage functionality. I've also used it to power several of my projects.
  • XCode : Used XCode to create an iOS mental health app with AI powered lessons and a chatbot.
... and I am always learning more!